Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Moral ? and its a juicy on?

OK i was listening to the news on the way to work and in Ireland a doctor inserted stem cells from an aborted fetes on stroke victims that were severely effected from stokes now i think abortion is wrong personally but i am a liberal to the fullest so what i see as wrong doesn't give me the right to force my views down someone else neck what you do in life is what you do i life and no one should tell you other wise so abortion is going to happen no mater what so instead of just letting the fetus rot and just simply go to wast there embryos could save hundreds of live and to me i think that is the best thing that could come from it stem cell research is believed to be able to cure all know sickness with research the loss of one life could save hundreds and if you say we shouldn't play good we have the death penalty so were playing it anyways but those are criminals so they do matter right your thoughts love to hear

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