Monday, August 15, 2011

Why does my dog not love me?

It makes me very frustrated that he shows more affection towards my parents and siblings when I the one who trains him, feeds him, takes him out, bathes him, and plays with him (well I try to but he never seems to interested). My friends have these dogs that will snuggle with them and lay at the foot of their beds. When I try to have my dog sleep with me at night I place him at the foot of my bed and he jumps right off and sleeps on the floor next to my bed instead. I'll call him and he never comes over, but my mom will call him and he'll come running. The only time he comes when I call him is if he knows I have food. Sometimes I'll go to pet him or something or play, and he literally runs away. I haven't done anything to him except love him and care for him and he just won't be all cutesy and loving with me.

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