Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Is it time to label Marc Sanchez a bust?

He has thrown more interceptions in a game than Ryan Leaf ever did and is slowly coming apart at the seams. Should the Jets just toss him under the bus and go in a new direction or should they hand the AFC Crown to the Patriots the next 5 years?

My opinion?

I am the Champion... I am the Champion... I am the Champion... I am the CHAMPION!!!!! And NOTHING.. can stop me..

Should i make this trade?

Yes if SB is seem to have power, seem to lack SB & Runs. Abreu & Figgins would be big help in both.

How difficult it is to educate the US m on international issues?

Surprisingly considering that almost all of us are descended from immigrants, Americans are xenophobes. We are actively suspicious of all foreign countries, and we immediately suspect that any time one of our allies criticizes us it's because they're jealous. Most Americans speak no other languages, have never travelled abroad, and are suspicious of anyone who even pronounces "Pakistan" correctly.

Who should i start week 8?

Gonzo vs Houston, because I could catch 100 yards against that secondary and for #2, go with M. Williams, because Oakland's p D is also terrible.

How do I burn a dvd?

You need a DVD burner. Most computers come with a combo drive that will burn DVDs and regular CDs. You will also need blank DVDs and then just run you're burner. NERO is rather good and extremely simple to use. When you start Nero it will ask you to select the type of disk you want to create, after this it will ask you to select the files you want to add to the disk... Then when you're done all you have to do is click on burn and wait until it's done. It's the same for the clips from you're camera provided they are in DVD fromat. If they aren't you either have to convert them or just burn them onto a data CD instead. Most DVD players will play your data CD so no worries.

The taxpayer's marginal tax bracket is 40% (combined Federal and state rates). Which would the taxpayer prefer

It's a trick question. Income less than $10 is usually not reported, even if it is supposed to be taxable.

My neighbor is constantly spreading rumors that are untrue and calling agencies on us what can i do?

we are a family of 6 living in a decent but not perfect neighborhood. she has had issues with us since her son and my daughter broke up. he says they never were a couple but he showed me the ring before they were a couple. they broke up cause my daughter wouldnt perform favors. they r always calling code enforcement and the pound on us but everytime they come out they ind nuthing is wrong. are there any laws on what they r doing to us? we feel so uncomfortable in our own home cause she wont leave us there anything i can do? she even has camera's on the top of her storage bldg aiming towards my house so i dont even like my kids swimming in the pool. please help if you can we are in bartow county, acworth ga. we cant afford an attorney.

American Idol, anyone watching?

Kris is my personal favorite this season and I agree, I loved his version of Come Together. I thought it really fit his voice well and that it was a really smart choice considering rock just isn't his area to begin with. I really liked his and Danny's duet too. I loved the song they sang and their harmonies were great. I think the judges should've given them a bit more slack for the fact that they didn't get to rehearse it. I must admit Adam and Alison's duet was better but that's because rock is both of their areas. That's just where they thrive. I'm really hoping Kris doesn't go home tomorrow night, but its gonna be close between him and Alison. I think America needs to give him another chance, especially since rock just isn't his strong point. It'd be a shame if he went out on this week.

Romeo and Juliet, ok i need help on my homework, can someone rephrase this for me?

In acts 3 and 4 Romeo and Juliet can be consisted dichotomous. Explain using examples how and why this happens.

What is it with the criminal justice system in the U.S. and sadism?

Often, in the U.S. citizens feel that serving time isn't enough. They feel prison should be a cruel place where prisoners get d and beaten (mostly by other prisoners and sometimes by guards) and all sorts of things. They feel the conditions in there should be as harsh as possible. U.S. prisons are extremely violent and stressful places and they are specifically designed to be that way. And then there are the methods in which prisoners in the U.S. are executed. There is the lethal injection (which isn't administered by doctors because they refuse to participate in such a thing) where the prisoner looks like he is unconscious but is really experiencing hellish convulsions for minutes before he dies. And then there is the electric chair. Geez. Talk about sadistic. Why not just go with a firing squad already and get it over with. Why all of the theatrics? In other industrialized countries, the sentences aren't as harsh and the conditions in the prisons aren't as rough. People in Western Europe feel that serving time (without all of the sadism) is enough of a punishment. But here it's a different story. Do you think it is because of the Christian mindset that is so popular in the U.S.? Does religion have anything to do with the attitudes that citizens have towards crime and punishment?

Marina Disk Breaks Fitted to a Morris Minor?

Can anyone help. I have a Morris Minor with Marina Disk Brakes and I`m going to change the wheel bearings. I have been told the torque settings are 5lb ft. This seems very low to me. What do you think?

If both sides of your family have a history of cancer does that equal a higher risk of hereditary cancer?

My grandmother on my mothers side had lung cancer my father had lung cancer im starting to think i might get lung cancer.

Would you mind reading something REALLY long and boring and giving me your thoughts?

Yes long and boring, you left out the juicy bits about Sarah's death threats, nightly cocaine abuse and doing harm to animals.

Just because something is permanent or eternal, does that mean it has to be simple or partless?

Yes, eternal requires union without union there would be parts of non eternal within the eternal itself.

If a christian and an atheist debated creationism?

Shouldn't the christian be required to first prove that his/her religious view was the correct one. Could we properly ume in a debate that creation as visualized by other religons are incorrect. Should the debate with the atheist hold off until the various religions in the world can decide on the correct creation story?

How can Greeks posibily say their country is as corrupt as China?

Being a free Democracy does not mean that corruption is higher or lower than a non free democracy. BTW Colombia is a free democracy as well. Yes Greece is a member of the European Union but that was the very reason admittance to that group was questioned many years ago. Some people claim that numbers were altered and facts hidden in order for Greece to be admitted and that many other European countries looked the other way because they wanted as many countries to join and that same reason was what caused the near economic collapse of its economy and the EU had to bail them out. That can be argued, but curruption has been a great issue with Greece and the forefront of relations with the European Union. Greece is a wonderful country with wonderful people and with the potential to be a superpower but covering your eyes and ears does not make a problem go away. Neither does putting down other countries. A country/person should strive to be better for its own sake not by putting down others.

I need help w/ a name fer a dance team we are having. mostly asians are on the team, & mascot is mustangs.?

So yea, our old name was Asian Dance Team, ADT, buht we're forced to change the namee, due to the new principal. Our school name is Lilburn Middle. Mustangs are horses. Uhmm.. basically we cant have the word Asian in the namee ): & yeaa. I dont need like, Mustang Dance Team, Lilburn Dance Team, sparkling, dazzling, blooming, fantasticc.. blahblahblahh :/

How do i get him to kiss me?

We've been official since satuday, and we havent kissed yet. I asked him to the turnabout dance at my high school, and its on march 13th. both of us are too busy to hang before then. I walk with him to a one cl but its only like 3 minutes, and i can only see him 10 minutes after school... and he told me that he is not a fan of PDA besides holding hands and hugging. so when will he kiss me? because he has definitely expressed that he loves me. so i know he wants to just as much as i do. do i have to wait for the dance?

What does this mean? English essay help?

I'm supposed to write an essay about "The superficiality in The Great Gatsby". What does this mean? What am I supposed to write?

What goes around comes around...yeah?

Brand is a very good player. However, he needs better players around him. And, he's not a finisher at the end of the game. Baron Davis has quit on the Clips. Perhaps he quit when Brand bailed on him.

Fantasy Trade Question?

Bad Trade for you. Chad is the number 1 in cincy. Him and Palmer are clicking again. Tom is Tom, keep him. Lynch shares carries with Jackson and Wayne is not mannings number 1 priority anymore. Dallas Clark and Garcon are getting a huge bulk of the football. NO TRADE

What would be good high school cles for me? Advice please! :)?

Definitely take Health. Also think about taking any additional science cles that you can. The theory of science can help in as you take additional science cles in college. Don't forget to take some writing cles. learning how to write a good research paper will definitely help in the future. Good luck!

How am I insulting their intelligence?

When I was younger I was unbelievably hot-headed. So after so many trial an errors in my life i figured I should try to become at least mildly intelligent. So I boned up on my reading. Now I don't have the largest of vocabularies. But now when ever hit on a girl she tells me to stop using such big words. Since when is platonic or germaine a big word. I mean when I hear a word I'm unfamiliar with I listen for a context clue. I learned that in fourth grade for god sake. An it's not like I went to a private school I went to public my entire life. I even racked up a truancy record because of how many days I missed. Now of course I don't say this out loud. But Im thinking it, Also I tried to speak with a "smaller" vocab. But then I actually forgot a-lot of words.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Can a 13 year old wear an off the shoulder shirt (Pic)?

yeah...I wear them all the time..but I usually put a tank top under it... I think it looks cuter that way..but that just the style from where im at..

How can the next Batman film beat this one! IS it possible?

I agree about Ledger's performance, but Hollywood's been getting better and better at sequels these days and I feel that some people might not be so iffy about a sequel if Ledger was still alive to continue as the Joker. Yes, he was brilliant, but that doesn't mean we can make film after film after film. Besides, it's never about being "better," it's about telling the Batman legacy in a new format and style that no one has tried before. It's good to love this movie, but another, possibly better film wouldn't be so bad.

Saturated fat and cardiovascular disease?

Would it be correct in saying saturated fat intake is the most important dietary risk factor of cardiovascular isease?

If i went to the hairdressers what would i ask to get somthing like this done?

ust wondering what would would ask to get a hairstyle similar to thsi because i dont know what to ask? a href=",r:17,s:0" rel="nofollow"…/a

I need help making a pinata 4 spanish cl asap!!!!!!?

1. Go to: "Research your answer" on your question page. 2. Type in: Pinata/How to make it/ Information/Details? 3. Go to: #2.

What do I do if I lied to a friend that I care about over something so stupid and now he is freaked out?

I lied to him about talking with his ex and I rally never did, he found out and now knows that I lied and I feel so stupid because I usually do not lie and now he says he wants to put things on hold and be platonic friends

LGBT: interesting thought...?

if an american soldier finally got fed up with the don't ask don't tell policy and was stationed in iraq and came out would he be sent elsewhere? do you think the iraqi government would try to demand he be turned over to them? what would happen?

Is it possible for some people to be skinny and still have a sizable belly?

cut down on carbs and stimulants, caffeine, alcohol and maybe try some relaxation to cut down on stress hormones which can make us pile on weight on the stomach as it messes with glucose levels etc.

How do i find out what programs are using my com3 port becuz i cannot connect to netzero?

before i upgraded to vista it was working just fine. i use netzero since my school blocked limewire and other places like myspace. after i upgraded to vista business it keeps saying error 633 another program is using that port and it tells me to do the commat alt delete and end all programs exept the explorer and sys. doin that causes certain things to not work like my volume keys and stuff like that. is there any other way to figure out wat program is using my com3 port. i went to switch ports and a bunch of them came up and only two of them said they were being used. please help cuz this is money out my pockets every month

Best friend not so much friend.?

We've been through so much together, until i introduced him to a couple of my other guy friends. now he is always with them and they smoke pot and stuff all the time. he like never tries to talk to me unless i call him. theyll come over to my house but i think thats cause they know they can get away with anything at my house. all they do is smoke pot. im not going to try to get him to stop obviously because thats unrealistic. i just miss my best friend. it doesnt make sense to me at all. i have a boyfriend, who is really good friends with my best friend. one night me and my boyfriend went out together and my best friend got mad and said we ditched him and is not mad at my boyfriend but is mad at me? like i dont understand why hes doing this? what should i do, or say??

#10 Fuse Blows in 2000 Plymouth Neon?

Everytime i turn on my 2000 plymouth neon, the number 10 fuse blows and the engine starts running. Sometime it will idle without blowing but then when i put it in drive it goes out. Can anyone tell me how to trouble shoot this or something?

Can someone tell me where I can get a female joker costume?

NOT Harley Quinn ... Like the Heath Ledger joker.... And no, I don't want the pants... I want it to be somewhat slutty. I know how to do the makeup, but I would appriciate if someone could show me a link to the costume. For TEEN GIRLS. Not little kiddy or manly please =[

About ares,Bitcomet and other filesharing proggrammes are illegal......?

The programs themselves are not illegal. Using them to download copyright protected files is illegal. Use at your own risk.

What did the steelers do wrong? Why did they loose to the Packers!!?

Defense was terrible, Big Bens pes were almost ALL incomplete, Troy seemed absent, as well as Wallace. Its like they lost all the hype they had going to the Super Bowl. Really disappointing Game

Girls, would this hurt/end a friendship?

Been there, done that.... My advice, man, is just to tell her how you feel. If she doesn't like you, yeah, it will hurt, but it won't ruin your friendship. If you're really her friend and she's really yours, she'll understand. Just make it clear that if she doesn't like you, you don't want it to affect your friendship. If she says yes, congratulations! :D Hope I helped :)

Moral ? and its a juicy on?

OK i was listening to the news on the way to work and in Ireland a doctor inserted stem cells from an aborted fetes on stroke victims that were severely effected from stokes now i think abortion is wrong personally but i am a liberal to the fullest so what i see as wrong doesn't give me the right to force my views down someone else neck what you do in life is what you do i life and no one should tell you other wise so abortion is going to happen no mater what so instead of just letting the fetus rot and just simply go to wast there embryos could save hundreds of live and to me i think that is the best thing that could come from it stem cell research is believed to be able to cure all know sickness with research the loss of one life could save hundreds and if you say we shouldn't play good we have the death penalty so were playing it anyways but those are criminals so they do matter right your thoughts love to hear

Doesn't Hilary Clinton have incredible self-control. It must be awfully tempting for her to make headlines?

like Palin, but we haven't heard much from her lately. She seems to be falling in line behind Obama despite their bitter primary feud. What do you think?

How do i improve my memory?

i am on effexor XR 225mg and zyprexa 20mg and am Borderline personality disorder and servere chronic stress disorder with anxiety and elements of PTSD. and i have problems with memory i can't sit for a long period of time like watching tv i can't get through a whole movie without becoming bored and i the same with books i cant read them as my vision goes blurry and i have gles as it is so my question is what can i do to improve memory ? i do read books, watch movies , and do crosswords when i can so what do you suggest?

Question about dog-aggressive dog?

Kudos to you for asking an intelligent aggression question! Aggressive training techniques have been proven in several different scientific studies to increase aggression problems in aggressive dogs, so you're on the right track of thinking for sure. Distracting her is a good idea, but if she just goes back to barking and growling then you do need to take things a step further. I do not think that simply leading her away from the door when the neighbor's dogs are out would cause her to act more aggressively at all if you do it in a calm, non-threatening manner. If you were to have her wear a pinch collar and jerk her away from the door then that certainly could cause a problem, but simply leading her away from the door as you would lead her away from another dog you met while out on the street for a walk should not cause any problems. Personally I would not allow her to continue going back to the door if she's going to start barking again.

What Brad Paisley song is this?

What is the song that Brad Paisley sings in the Hershey's Chocolate commercial? I really like it, but I can't figure out which song it is.

How can i make bread thaw fast?

If it's just a couple pieces, I put it in the toaster on the low setting for just a minute or two. Otherwise, it goes into the microwave for a few seconds. If it's still too frozen, just repeat until it's fine. But be careful. It's easy to start burning or toasting it without realizing it.

Space Exploration? Your opinion please! :]?

Money would not end hunger because it not caused by lack of money - it's a result of most of the food producing land being owned by the wealthy who use is to increase their wealth. If the land was in the hands of common people they would grow more than enough food to feed themselves and their countries. If we gave away NASA's billions that money would also go to the rich and never make it to those who could use it productively.

Is Los Angeles affected by the JAPAN EARTHQUAKE?

People in Los Angeles are okay as of right now, because radiation has not spread across the Pacific Ocean. New York City is ALOT farther away from Japan than Los Angeles. Hawaii is actually the closest place to Japan. If radiation becomes a problem down the road, I think it could easily follow the jet stream across the Pacific Ocean and become a problem for California, but for now, experts say that is not going to happen (but when have experts ever been right?)

My bellend got trapped in a hoover, how do i make the stinging stop?

my hand was tired so i brought the hoover in, now my bellend smells of **** andd its torn my foreskin off, how do i make the pain stop?

Am I racist?

I want to end affirmative action. I am against illegal immigration. I am against churches that cater to one racial group of people. I think Barack Obama is not the right person to be president. I think that the Katrina disaster is New Orleans and Louisiana's fault not FEMA or the president. I have never been called a racist but when I turn on the news, if someone has one of these views they are depicted that way. Just wondering?

Monday, August 15, 2011

What do I do if someone has the same driver's license number as me?

Only DMV can help you with that. Fee for new license is only $25. Good thing the other guy does not have a ticket or suspended license. It will affect you too.

Why does my dog not love me?

It makes me very frustrated that he shows more affection towards my parents and siblings when I the one who trains him, feeds him, takes him out, bathes him, and plays with him (well I try to but he never seems to interested). My friends have these dogs that will snuggle with them and lay at the foot of their beds. When I try to have my dog sleep with me at night I place him at the foot of my bed and he jumps right off and sleeps on the floor next to my bed instead. I'll call him and he never comes over, but my mom will call him and he'll come running. The only time he comes when I call him is if he knows I have food. Sometimes I'll go to pet him or something or play, and he literally runs away. I haven't done anything to him except love him and care for him and he just won't be all cutesy and loving with me.

Sirius Sattelite Radio?

hey yeah i was just wondering cuz my dad wants to get satellite radio for his car and like i was checking out some receivers for him at Fry's, and i was wondering cuz like satellite and stuff you have to pay for it like every month or so and is it the same for satellite radio? are there monthly charges? or do u just buy the receiver and that's all you have to pay for?

Chapter 2. What do you think?

Its... ok. But the dad changes too quickly, first he is the dad who pats his daughter on the back, and cooks for them, then he is the dad who jumps up and starts to cuss in front of two 5 yr olds, just because his daughter insulted the guest.

Bible People: Leviticus says Lobster is an Abomination. Could you please stop using Leviticus to slam gays?

Yeah, Leviticus shouldn't be used for anything. The lobster thing is a clic example of how religious prohibitions are often based solely on contemporaneous fashions. In Roman times and earlier, lobster was considered a disgusting, lowly food. They fed it to slaves. That's probably the only reason Leviticus says it's forbidden, similar to how it would ban mullets if it were written today.

Since when is it a crime to ually GAY har your co-workers in the Democratic Party?

Poor Ma had to leave with the scarlet letter G on his shirt. Its no wonder he had to kick the dirt and make such a fuzz about the ill fated Titanic Health Care bill. I knew this bunch were closet conservatives that don't feel comfortable around racist cons. But please try to keep up with appearances or your libel to scare impressionable freshmen college students

Do you think Cindy and George Anthony will write a book or go on TV?

If so what will the book say about Casey and Caylee or what will they say while on TV on talkshows or while talking to the media?

Is this a good trade?

Jones will give you more consitant points then Walter but do you have another WR to cover your bye weeks. If not then keep Walter.

University applications?

Yes you will start applying for colleges in the fall of your senior year. Most schools have deadlines in early January or February while other have deadlines that are later around May. Do not make your course load easier. Colleges will see this. When you apply to colleges they will also ask for your senior year cl schedule to see what you are taking. If you are then admitted into a college they will ask for your final transcript to see how you did in those courses. I have heard of some schools that will accept a student but then reject them when they submit their final transcript and see that the student slacked off their senior year.

I need a realistic opinion here... please?

Wisconsin @ Madison is a large school, has a good undergrad program, I would say that unless you have a criminal record you should be a shoo in, although be aware, getting in is easy in comparison to getting out. My suggestion is not to worry about it, get on with life, and if you get a better offer from another school, consider it carefully. Of course, you admission will depend upon what school in the university you apply to, so consider that too, if you have applied for the school of education and do not get in consider applying for the school of arts and sciences, then transfer.

Why was this match so weird?

Mickie James vs Gail Kim for Diva's championship. It was just weird and it was boring. I was expecting a great match sense Mickie and Gail are two of the best divas.

Would you reconsider your thoughts on a Blue Cross Executive making $4 Million a year?

Your comparing apples to oranges. The players are being paid that much because the fans are willing to put out their hard earned money to watch them. The CEO is getting over paid because he or she in turn helps the board of directors in the same way. They scratch each others backs. It's not all talent, some of the highest paid CEO's have had their respective companies in the red for 5 Straight years, even before the recession.

Hi, i was jw...?

okay, i just got a new sn. on aim (twilightgirl13). i had a different one (wicca232), but i wanted two. so anyways, only my wicca232 buddy window comes up. how can i get my twilightgirl13 to come up instead. i have tried signing out of it and everything, but it doesnt seem to work? how can i get twilightgirl13's buddy window to pop up instead?

Do you like this dress. Advice on what do wear with it plz. Shoes...?

i think the dress is gorgeous and you should wear pink-like-the-dress colored heels. if not then black. :)

Roy 'saddened' at FA Cup draw? where's the winning spirit we WERE known for?

He rather should be optimistic about the match, it's the FA Cup anything can happen, it's a tough match for both teams and I am positive about it

Why do many Texans of Mexican ancestry hate the illegal Mexican immigrants?

In Texas there exist a large native Texan population who are of Mexican ancestry(they are often identified as Tejanos)yet many openly discriminate against the non illegal & illegal Mexicans.

Now that Lt. General Ricardo Sanchez, has called BS on the war, will people start to listen?

this from a general responsible for prisoner abuse..people have already listened and DISMISSED IT AS WHAT IT IS..LIBERAL PAP.the real qustion here is WHEN WILL LIBERAL EXTREMISTS WAKE UP?

How many fish can i introduce to new cycled tank?

my 190 litre tank has finally cycled,all the water parameters are ok how many fish should i introduce at a time from my old tropical tank,have 3 neon tetras/3 red eye tetra/2 albino corys/3 dwarf transferr worried about adding them all at once in case it upsets the water chemistry again.?

Black girls, what do you think about this about "keeping it real"?

Hmm..I have been asked if I played b-ball before(atheletic buily) i suppose,but that hasn't been for some years. People just call me skinny...o.o

Any jobs that match my Ideas?

Lately I've been thinking a lot about what career I'd like to pursue. Although I haven't found a "pion" to go off, which would be a lot simpler, I do know some things I'd like in a career. I'm hoping to start with this, find jobs that match my ideas, and find my pion from the wide selection that I will probably find. First off, I really don't care how long I have to be in college or how much education I need to go through. I love to learn and wouldn't mind being in school for 10+ years. I really want a career having something to do with the FBI; I've always been fascinated with it. However, I don't want to be an agent that is constantly faced with the possibility of death. However, I don't want to be in a lab working for the FBI and just looking through a microscope inside all day. I was hoping to find a career that is medical/scientific (I'm strongest in these subjects), but where I spend a lot of time going out with FBI agents looking at crime scenes or whatever they look at haha. I know all this stuff is really random, but any help or ideas would do a lot of help!

What type of trousers are these called? Where can i get them ?

I have NOTHING to do on New Year's Eve?

Me Too . Im Aht Home With My daad he is so annoyinqq and hes already sleepinq . My mom left with my brother to her aunts house buht I duntt lyk iht there so I didnt qo. I wanted to qo with my cuzin. I dunt even have food !! I just wanna scream && qett outt uqhh . Duntt worry yuhh aintt thaa only one :D . Gueszz Imaa be on dha computer dha WHOLE niqhht .

I'm getting leftout and I don't like it! :( (sorry long story)?

Eve, eve, the The Mini-Skirt Mob who tasted the Thalias minimize around my neighborhood like a bunny rabbit

Advised to Reorganize my Small Business?

I've been advised to reorganize my small-business as a limited liabilty company (LLC) to obtain insultation against personal liability, if someone sues the business. Will this complcate my taxes <<<=== has anyone ever done this before? Has anyone ever heard of Michael J. Fitzgerald, CPA/PFS, CFP, MST his website looks interesting.

What kind of video card do i need?

you can't upgrade your video card it is Integrated into your mobo---you have a laptop not a desktop ; even if you could it would be an option of the model you have and you would have to get it from the maker of your pc

Creationists: Should the stork theory be taught in schools as an alternate theory to ual reproduction?

Most definitely yes. I don't want any teacher saying in school. That is slimy and scary to children. But , oooohh , young tender . Excuse me for a minute.

How often does m extinction take place.?

they say four species become exstinct each this true and does this result from climate change and part of a natural cycle or is exstinction caused only by outside forces, i.e man,asteroids earthquakes...

What does "logadioso" mean?

I often see this word used as a farewell or sign off gesture, but I cannot find any ethnic, cultural, colloquial, or even mythical origins for the word. Does any one know any linguistic history/origin for this term?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

The dx , cody rhodes and hardy haters?

DX is dead to me. I've seen it way too many times, and just wish it would go away. I would much rather see HHH and HBK as singles competitors instead of desperately trying to relive the past with DX. As for Cody Rhodes I believe that he is just not ready for RAW, he is very lacking in his in-ring skills, and I find him absolutely boring watch. He doesn't belong on the "A-Brand" of the WWE. They should move him to another show with less pressure to let him develop. As for Jeff Hardy, I don't like a lot of high fliers, you have to show me other wrestling skill for me to like them, and Jeff hasn't done that. Having said that Jeff and DX have a very strong fan base, and I understand why the WWE is doing what they are with them, it just doesn't mean I have to like them.

Anyone else think that McCain is the wrong choice for president?

Any wise person knows that McCain is unfit for the Presidency. Rather than campaign on real issues facing the American voter; he opts for mud slinging that is very transparently full of lies and deception. Former President Bill Clinton lied and country voted in a bigger replacement of lies; President Bush and his lying Administration. Now McCain believe America is dumb enough to vote him into office.

Would you take back a girlfriend who made out with another guy during a short breakup?

After three years, my girlfriend and I had a huge blowout and broke up. Within a week we were already talking about reconciling. In the process, one of my guy friends, who's a huge player, moved in and they made out while everyone was drunk at a party. I happened to catch them making out and kicked his *** in front of my ex. Two days later she wanted me back and we ended up having amazing . Now I'm stuck wondering whether or not I should start over with her. She did not technically cheat on me because we weren't together, but I still considered it a huge betrayal. I love her but I can't help but feeling that I could be opening myself up for more heartache. Is it crazy to consider starting over with someone who knowingly kissed a good friend of mine and ume her emotions got the best of her OR is this unforgivable?

How do you feel about the Half Blood Prince Movie being rated PG?

i think it is stupid that they did that too because the last movie was PG13 and plenty of people went to see it!!! it's not like they needed the money!!!!! hopefully it doesn't ruin the movie

I have love 4 her, but im not in love wit her anymore?

So, i have this gf that ive been dating for almost 3 yrs and we live together. She my bf and we've been through so much together. But now or for a while now ive relized my love for her is platonic love. how can i tell her without hurting her?

Some SAT questions...?

Will colleges care if I take the SAT multiple times? I was thinking about taking it this year as a sopre but I'm afraid if I do poorly it will affect my chances of getting into the one I want to go to. Also, is there a limit to the number of times I can take it? Oh, and please don't say just take the PSAT, I'm already taking that. Thanks

Is Methylin exactly the same as Methylphenidate (Ritalin)?

methylin is a short acting brand of methylphenidate, so is ritalin. Both are brand names, methylin by Alliant pharmaceuticals, ritalin by Novartis. Both come in long acting forms which would be distinguished by adding LA, SR or CR or something like that to the name. So if no extra letters, both are short acting methylphenidate and should be interchangeable. They are not identical, since they may have different non active pill components and such which might affect absorption rates, but should be close enough to make no difference to most users.

Were making shirts (take 2)?

On the front you could put the picture of the indian and on the back your name in the school colors and some other creative designs

I'm single and live on my own, dog breeds?

Belgian Malinois or the German Shepherd I have an Akita/Belgian Malinois mix ( He looks like a Belgian Malinois but with the Akita's white fur and brown spots and he has short hair ) They are both really great dogs and since you live alone they are the best guard dogs!

Hybridism, help please.?

Well to my knowledge, every species has their own # of chromosomes. If they don't have the same, they can't breed. Like, if a human were to have 1 more or less chromosome, they could have many health issues, mutations, etc.

Quick specific heat question?

When 45 g of an alloy is dropped into 100 g of water at 25 degrees C, the final temperature is 37 C. What is the specific heat of the alloy?

Are the recent earthquakes a sign of something worse to come?

with earthquakes going crazy all over the earth from Haiti to Turkey and from Peru's huge quake to now the big one over in upper mexico and lower California.IS this a sign of something going really wrong on our planet.Whats up with all of these quakes

Flatulence,heeeelp?i cant see to stop?

i dont know but i am always farting even if i just came from the toilet.i dont know what it is,it just started about a year ago what do i do please help usually starts when i sit down for a couple of minutes

Why can't people see that the Tea Party is just a front for Evangelical Fundies?

It doesn't have anything to do with taxes anymore - it's all about "restoring honor" and all the people in it are Fundies like Sarah Palin and anti-masturbation candidate Christine O'Donnell.

A magical jewel for a crossword puzzle(PLEASE HELP)?

Ok im doing an ancient egyptian crossword puzzle. It is 6 letters and the third letter is A. I need help as soon as possible because I have to turn this in tomorrow and our semester report will be out next week and tomorrow is the last day of the quater so its the last day to turn work in. Please Help. Thank you.

Ramadan: Should I write a complain against our professional trainer who keeps making 'jokes' on blacks?

Go ahead. I'm pretty sure at least a minority of your cl will agree with you. They just don't dare do it. But don't stop yourself from complaining!

My 2 yr old son just drank after gma with cold sore :(?

My 2 yr old son must drank after my mom and she has a cold sore I walked in the room and he was already drinking out of her cup :( I'm not sure why my mom let him she had always been goid about it my brother and I have never got one.. Now I'm freaking out hers is to the crusted over anythingI can do opinions

Read it slow plz i dont he ever respected me why would he do that?

I use to date this guy we dated almost 2 yrs it was serious he moved in with me at some point his daughter 16yr moved in also but anyway it didnt work so after the break up he was trying to come around and spend time, now i must add i had heard he plans on getting married thats why i never really got comfortable with him coming around now eventually he did get married. Now a couple of times after the break up when he was coming around we had , now fast forward to now 3yrs later. a platonic friend of mine we were talking about him and he told me that around some guys my x had mentioned how i sucked his {u no what} i felt so embarrased i just wanted to get away from that conversation so i didnt ask for details. But the 1 thing that kind of hurts is that showed he has no respect for me & even though we didnt work i would like to think at least respect was still there. that is really degrading thing for the man to have with you then go and talk about it with his homies wat u think?

Which American presidents followed Isolationism?

Go to and type your question into the address bar. You will get a plethora of information right before your very eyes.

Y R Christian Americans-WHO KNOW that we escaped Monarchy's-determined 2 B ruled by a KING? God's KINGDUMB!

You people amaze me-you read in your history books he tyranny and suffering that prevailed in the days of kings-always warring one another-always lives lost-always wanting to expand their kingdoms-ALL EXAMPLES of what is written in YOUR BIBLE-a form of government that was used to control the populace. We fought to dissolve this relationship and immigrated to fight the indians for OUR Freedom-and lied in THE NAME OF YOUR KING-God-and stole the lands we handed in treaties-but then we captured millions of slaves and put them to work with a monarchist government over their heads and called it JUSTICE-because it said it was permitted in The Bible-We then WAR our own-and make the slaves free-but still refer to a book that has caused nothing but submissive subversion, anger and dysfunction-AND YET YOU HOLD ON TO THIS MCRIPT OF KING JAMES! We are now in a Capitalistic society that is crumbling because U REFUSE TO LET FREEDOM RING! U base freedom on YOUR RELIGIONS GUIDELINES-it is wrong!

Baltimore orioles baseball?

i have a baseball signed by the whole orioles team from 1970 when they won the world series. it has signatures like Jim Palmer, Dave Johnson, and Paul Blair. My question is if it is worth anythings now, if so how much

I thought this was amusing....... what do you think??

Wow, that is some rant, strangely I am at this moment applying for my first pport, and all this is so true...Thanks for the laughs...!

Can I substitute Hershey's chocolate for chocolate chips?

I want to make some puppy chow and I don't have any chips, so could I use a Hershey's candy bar instead?

How would you try to teach your children a lesson on drinking and drugs and at what age?

Would you ever use such programs as National Geographic or talk shows that show people who have ruined their lives with drugs and alcohol like Dr. Phil or Oprah, to try to teach young teens the consequences of those risky behaviors or do you think that glamorizes everything and encourages the children to act out. What type of things have you used to teach your child/teen life lessons and at what age did you start talking about drugs and drinking?

Do people honestly think OBAMA will bring change when the elections have been like a pendulum democrat-rep?

Clinton did have great change I thought. He wiped out our dept. That's pretty impressive if you ask me. And what are the presidential candidates supposed to say anyhow, "when I'm elected president I will do nothing." I think nothing has been done in the past 4 years because of all the filibustering in which the president doens't have power over.

If the Patriots go undefeated this year, do you think they will/should put an asterisk by game 1?

no, seems like theyre doing fine without any game tape. If they go undefeated, which i doubt, well then, they earned it.....and im a bills fan.

Why do mothers marry off their sons if she wont allow him to accept the wife emotionally?

because they want 2 c ther sons a dutyful man and along wid it they also wants her son 2 love and be wid him more than his wife..she demands more suppot against the wife 4 mere pamperment and as a own property...... they cant c ther sons loving sumbdy els more than her blood.thats it! its a psychology..wen u wil hav ur children u wil also feel so psychologically....

Is medication the only way out of depression?

for the past 2 years ive been feeling extremely lonely and depressed because of social stress at school. I never felt like i was part of the crowd because im feel so akward. I have trouble making good friends which leaves me alone and confused as to how im going to survive in this world. I want to pursue a career in film as a director because i have a profound imagination, but i feel my lack of confidence will hinder me. I dont think medication will help me because all i want to do is learn how to be sociable. I don't here voices in my head, im just numbingly depressed because of my personality disorder. and i dont want to live on a pill to make me happy because i don't believe science can make someone feel loved. My mom is becoming frustrated with me because ill soon be out on my own. What should i do?

Ok I asked this before but got one answer it was good though. anyway here goes. I am a female of 40?

and I am between 5ft6-5ft7, and I have given birth to 4 kids. I am going into menopause, and over the last 4 years I had put on about 18 kilos which brought me up to my heaviest ever except for when I was 9 Months pregnant lol and I weight 74kilos with each of my 4 kids at 9 months, but anyway I was at my heaviest weight of 70 kilos 3 weeks ago YUCK which is about 150 disgusting pounds. I have lost 10 pounds in 3 weeks YIPPEE so now I am 65 kilos. I have been running as I used to be a top athlete years ago, and I also have been cutting out chocolates, pizza, hot dogs, lots of pasts with stacks of cheese etc, and lost 5 kilos in 3 weeks. my doctor tells me not to go under 60 kilos. well my body fat is now under 24 percent phew. I have dropped a dress size in 3 weeks to a size 12 Australian which is about an 8 in the US. My blood pressure is 100 on 70 and my resting pause rate is what most people cannot get and the other day it was 41 beats a minute resting. so what do you think is the perfect weight for me at my age and height and having 4 kids? My sister says I look great and so did the women at the shops the other day. I feel so much better. so since I am now 65 kilos which is about 140 pounds what do you see as the perfect weight for me? thanks

Are there any difficulties that the Federal Reserve System might encounter in implementing monetary policy?

If the interest is at or near 0%. The FED can no longer lower interest rates. Therefore when the interest rate is at zero, the FED can no longer lower the rate.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Is Cheryl Cole best choice 4 X-Factor judge? If so, why? If not, why? Better than Charlotte Church & Mel B?

no no no are all not suitable for the job and Danii Minogue boring and not really a good judge either, need someone who knows what they are talking about who has experience and who can string a sentence together. Mel B don't like her and Charlotte Church do like her but don't think has enough experience as a person in life to be suitable for the job.

To what can i compare our government to?

I have this project that asks me to compare something to the following words: Constitution, Democracy, Limited Government, Checks and Balances, Separation Of Powers, Inalienable Rights, Sovereignty, Legislative, Executive, Judicial, Enumerated Powers, Implied Powers, and Executive order. I was thinking that a professional soccer team would be the best. The Constitution could be the rules that are already there to play the game, and the manager could be the President (legislative along with the istant manager and physical trainers), etc. I think a soccer team would be good but im not sure. What do you think?

Where can i buy trendy plus size clothing?

You can buy plus size clothing from a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Who here has auditioned for American Idol?

I am plannin to audition for season 7, and I'm told its hard work just to get to Randy, Paula, and Simon. Whoever has auditioned for the past seasons please tell me how I can make it. Once I get to the 3 main judges I'm sure I can to Hollywood from there, but I need some help on how to get past the other judges- the ones that determine who gets to actually audition for Hollywood. Get back to me ASAP!!! Thanks to all who respond

Geography personal statement... what do you think?

I would say this is a solid Personal Statement, It is very detailed and extensive, and all around much longer than most in my opinion, this clearly shows you've done a great amount of work and signals to readers that you care about what you do, good job!

What do mainline Protestant churches ordaining s have to say to teens facing ual temptations?

The Episcopalian and Evangelical Lutheran churches now ordain practicing uals, and the Presbyterian church may soon break from scripture and Christian tradition to follow suit. If adults practicing ual bad habits are ordained to church leadership, how do these folks counsel teens tempted to unchastity?

Do you think you could ever completely trust someone you ONLY know from the internet? ?

no, i have no proof of there existence so i don't trust them atheist (i see what you're trying to do here very deft!)

Glow Worm boiler making funny noises, whooshing and clicking - quite loud?

Turn the Boiler off and have it serviced as soon as possible I had the same problem with my boiler The Glow Worm is a good make but you need to service any boiler annually.

Excessive weight loss has resulted in getting underweight.can i get back to my original size in 2 weeks or so?

also,i've reduced from all areas(including the areas from which i shouldn't),i am 5'3",n weigh 43 kgs.

What plants cause numbeness?

i am looking into plants that cause numbness and pain relief and i cant find any that do so i find plants that help people afflicted with numbness but none that induce it or an effect that reduces pain that can be ingested and not just applied over the skin i would like to find said plant and work it into a gum if possible is that possible so say i chew said gum it would provide pain relief over a long period of time as it releases the "toxins" ( i imagine they are toxins as in smaller animals this could put them off eating the plant)

Track & Field or Swim Team? I can't decide!?

Swim is the second most rigorous and fat-burning exersize to do (after gymnastics). I have been on my high school swim team since freshman year, and i'm not going to lie, it's so so hard the first year. the only thing that may hold you back, and i don't know if this is an issue for you, but your skin tends to get extremely dry from the cholrine. However, you practice, then you get good, and it gets really fun, so my answer would be swim.

When you started sleeping naked...?

How did you handle your folks finding out? Did you tell or ask first, or just let them find out? What was their reaction? I just started one night when I was 12 and they found out when there were no PJ's in my laundry the next week. They were fine with it.

Eat pie after thawing, without reheating?

Can I fully bake a pie, freeze it, thaw it at room temperature, and then eat it without re-heating it? Will it taste like a pie that was never frozen, but that had completely cooled? Or will it turn out to be weird?

ANIMAL POLL!: Eagle or falcon?

I like all birds of prey, but eagle wins. It is powerful and majestic. If I could be any animal, I would be a tiger or an eagle.

Is it me, or older women (in mid 30 and +) make better partners ( I am 21)?

I mean, Most of my relationships and ual partners have been young women of all races. I am a hispanic 21 year old who finds older women attractive physically, mentally and ually. I had with a 32 -33 year old woman who was divorced, no kids. She was amazing in bed, and i MEAN AMAZING. I love it when an older woman lead, or any woman lead, but she did both I lead, and she lead. Thus, more experienced women for me just seem more beautiful. (Gina Gershon, Cindy Crawford types). So what can i do to get closer to an older women and ask for a one nighter in a respectful way? I mean why are they so good? lol

Questions about the book 'To kill a mocking bird?'?

In the novel a Black Man is put on trial and convicted of raping a white woman. The event never happened but noone believed him because he was black and in the deep south.

Texting multimedia question (sending pics)?

Most likely this is an issue with your carrier. You may not be provisioned in the network correctly. You should call their tech support and they should be able to fix the problem for you. It could also be your phone but it sounds more like a network issue.

Girls opinions please?

so i went to my friends work to get my snowboard and there was this amazingly beautiful girl there well my friend gave her my number and he said she is quiet so how can i start a good convo with her or make her laugh alot?

Who was Adolf Hitler's wife(wives)?

If anyone could answer this that'd be great. And I was wondering if she had any connections with the last name (maiden name) of glasgow.

Flo Rida Ft. Wynter- "Sugar".........?

What do you guys think of the song? I personally adore it!! Also what about "Right Round" by Flo Rida??

Catholics. Do you remember the Old Liturgy?

I happen to believe the Roman church has done this deliberately in order to entice Protestants to come in, investigate, and accept Roman Catholisicm. You must realize that the bottom line in their theology has NOT changed, not one iota !! Their methods may have changed, and a few minor changes, but the true dogmas they believe in are rock solid. With this strategy, many Protestants are lulled into complacency, and are accepting things in the Roman church which they would never have heretofore accepted. The goal of the Roman church is to unite all 'Christian' faiths. They have come a long way since the days of the Latin liturgy. Many Protestants have left old traditions and watered down their doctrines.......this is obvious to those of us who are old enough to see and hear what is going on in God's Kingdom. Blessings to you, my friend.

Does she realy likes me?please help to a 18 yrsold boy.?

When a girl tells you not to talk to her in front of other people, it means she definitely does not want a relationship with you!

I read an article and im worried that GREEN TEA could be dangerous for me?!?

Being that it doesnt sound like you have any autoimmune diseases/disorders in your family history, I think you're in the clear. As long as you feel well while you continue to drink it, you should be fine.

I just got started this job yesterday, but the offer i really wanted JUST offered me a position!?

Accept the job at Kohl's now. Call the other and say it just wasn't working out for your schedule. You owe them nothing.

Do you support the mega Mosque being built - in London? read on...?

It makes me sick to think that one penny of my money is going toward funding a mive home for anti British anti free speech, anti free press, anti human rights bunch of moaning always being offended pains in the . Hope it falls down around their ears.

Can a word be a ANTONYM has well has a SYNONYM.?

Feline isn't exactly a synonym to cat. Feline is a more scientific term for a cat. Girl and Woman are considered different STAGES of Female, much like boy and man are different stages of males. Hot and Spicy can be considered synonyms. I'm sure there are websites that would help you with it, but it's really more how you specifically define the terms I guess.

Put my sniffly 15 month old down in his crib with two pillows?

I would leave him alone. He's comfortable and that is hard to be when you're so sick. My lo has been sleeping with a pillow since she was less than a year old.

Social studies plz help 5 questions?

its called using google!!!!! you dont need this to find the answers.. ppl will give you wrong ones and you will FAIL!

Mohammed Ali vs a Legion of Angels...who would win...?

LOL! Hmm, well i would like to say Muhhamad Ali....But....A legion of angels is a pretty mive freaking amount so i'd say the angels lol

Brett Favre starting record is over?

It's amazing to think that I was 2 years old the last time Brett Favre didn't start a game. Sad day.

I am not happy with Ariel font using vertical line as small letter for "L". it confuses ppl with Capital "I"

well, i doubt that you will be able to get enough power to change Ariel font, so pick another font to use!

Citing in mla format?

my teacher was telling us about citing with the authors name and page number. ex/ (smith 32). is it also considered mla format to use endnotes (those little numbers after the quote and you put the website on the bottom of the page) cause im not sure how i would cite a website using the authors name and page number.

Ok i need an experts advice on this on lately i have been having alot of bodily and head 'twitches?

lately i have been having alot o f twitches like i'll be walking or sitting down and my whole body just rapidly jerks and were from 1-3 times in a row and my head does the same thing it will jerk from side to side and ive gone to a doc to see why my head 'brain' keepd feeling "off" like it feels like there is something in there and it won't go away and i get migranes alot but lately it has just been feeling "odd" i need and experts opinion everyone says i need to go to a neurologist the docs i have seen b4 just did a catscan and it turned up nothing physical is wrong that i need to see a nuero. any opinions..i dont have the money to go to a nuero atm.

Friday, August 12, 2011

What are some common statistical used in health administration?

like in patient census data, percentage of occupancy, autopsy rates, length of stay and miscellaneous rates. I will give points. Thanks!

Is retirement investment worth it?

I recently signed up for a retirement investment plan in which I can receive my investments when I am 65. I am 18 now. Apparently my plan involves making fortnightly contributions to my investment accout through money I will earn in the future. I am wondering if it is that important to make retirement investments, I mean, wont most of the money I need be spent when I am young and healthy and able to do things? Once I am 65 I wont have the strength to hang glide or go hunting or other kinds of activities that require money. I am very naive when it comes to the idea of money, business and the like. Enlightenment on the subject will be greatly appreciated.

Am I considered an emo?

I am really sorry to hear this...I'm 13 and I'm that way with boys...can't talk to them. Anyway I guess you would be considered emo...I was emo for a year in my life. You sound nice...

Is the US Iraq War really considered a war between nations?

As long as the US occupies at least one major oil State/country it controls the world market price of oil; that was what cleared the way for Clinton's 'golden years' and what W. Bush saw about to evaporate when Saddam decided he wanted to sell his oil in the new at the time, up and coming Euros. His way out of puppetry, he thought. The amount the world is saving on oil costs is infinitely more than what the US occupation is costing. There are 30 to 60 years oil at 5 million barrels a day left so expect a permanent US puppet government like the one that used to head up Iran v. soon. Expect over confidence in smiting weak nations to lead to Vietnam style disaster in Afghanistan.

Would you rate my elemental hero deck and improve it for me?

put more avians in your deck look fusoin there you need more than one avian but i give you an 8.5/10 here is link to my deck please rate it;_ylt=AlXD1oQ0FP29t6CyEq7ZRwvsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080708074416AAyljaR

Below is a list of wwe superstars to never be wwe champ.?

Alberto and Wade shouldn't really be on the list since both have been in WWE for a little under a year so far

What's the depth of Obama's ties to those responsible for the present economic crisis?

Why can't Republicans talk about the issues or policies of Barrack Obama. Why do I constantly have to hear about his "friends". This campaign is starting to get really desperate and petty, and by the way you've asked this question like six times in the same way. You don't want an answer, you want a reaction. Have fun.

True or False World History Questions?

I think you need a new History teacher. Especially concerning the last 'fact'. Have you never heard of Pearl Harbour?

Girl with boyfriend who is my friend, does she like me as more?

your thoughts are right my friend, I've been in a situation like this before so i can tell that she likes you and don't worry about her bf, if she likes you that much, she will brake up with him and hook up with you. She touches you randomly meaning she is attracted to you a lot and hugs you maybe because you give her nice hugs that she really likes. So yeah, basically just go for it if i were you, because from what your telling us, she likes you more than her bf so eventually someday or sooner, you and her will be together, just be happy man, keep going on those dates with her, if you feel that there is a "move" moment on your date then go for it ;) good luck man .

Which one do you think is better???

Do you think AE, Hollister, Abercrombie, Aeropostale OR Roxy, Hurley, Element, Volcom, Billabong,etc is better?

Why do people insist on thinking that first Super Bowl was technically really the third Super Bowl???

The superbowl was the first time that the champion of the NFC played the champion of the newly formed AFC, which was the first of two superbowls between the chiefs and packers. i'm not sure what you mean.

What do you think of this Book of Mormon scripture?

Although I am not fond of Mormonism, I can agree that it's very interesting what comes out of their mouths.

Why does everyone bad mouth Jericho? He's underated, JBL is the one who's overrated.?

Though JBL tries too hard to be influencial with his talk on the mic but the fans just don't want to see him talking or even wrestling for that matter. because he just can't generate that charisma which Jericho possess, I mean Y2J's the best talker WWE has from the cuurent roster & his athletic & technical skills of wrestling adds even more to him. So yeah Raw is Jericho !!! Very good question.

One wish for u today???

if i was a genie and i gave you just one wish for today what would it be,u cant wish for more wishes,thanks.....x

Dear reverend sirs and madam of the Religion and Spirituality section...?

In the days of past, when the European man was in a dark transition betwixt the civilisation of Rome and Greece and the rebirth of that same civilisation in the Renaissance, the common man, the knavish, illiterate farmer, would see God’s word printed upon the heavens, in every single cloud or star, or see the works of witches, warlocks, goblins and mischievous and idle demons, quite bored with hell and its infinite tortures and screams, in every misfortune that befell him, let it be his crops failing, his tools broke, etc. If the physiognomy of yonder old women suggest something more sinister then an aged women, she must be, then, an evil witch, consorting and copulating with the devil, if the eyes of yonder man be a bit odd, he must be evil and in league with Satan. Have we truly changed from this idiotic and imbecilic savage, who some here might even consider to be an ancestor of some sort?

15, pregnant, and scared.?

I am fifteen, i know any one who comments on this will say i am an utter idiot. I know i am. I told my mom, she seemed understanding, my boyfriend now knows and he is just really REALLY scared, i don't know what i want but my whole life ive never believed in abortion. I mean if you are going to make that mistake... shouldn't you learn from it? Or you'll just make the same mistake again. My mother has told me my only option is abortion, it surprised me.. i don't know why maybe she just doesn't want any one to know. or doesn't want me to just throw my life away as they would say comes from adolescent pregnancy. My boyfriend has a great future ahead of him hes smart good looking and maybe i should just have the abortion, if it will make everyone happy... but it isn't them living with it their whole life i mean yeah my boyfriend will but i'll have to live with it too. i just need some enlightenment what should i do :(?

Atkins Diet?

im confused about this diet. all i know is that I'M ON IT and i cant eat carbs. dont you need carbs? what is considered too many carbs on atkins per day? (im 5feet 112 lbs)

Question about TV show?

I am pretty sure Hugh O'Connor was Carroll's son. I think Alan Autry is a distant cousin of Gene Autry but I am not sure.

Who should I root for this super bowl? Lots of answers plz!?

Packers, do you really want to root for a team that has a rapist for their quarterback? If you see a Steelers fan 9/10 the only reason they are a fan is because...

Without being rude, how can i tell my father-in-law he needs to start seeing my husbands and my children?

My husband, kids and myself live in a duplex next door to my husband's sister. But our duplexes are not connected. We literaly share a backyard. When my father-in-law visits my sister-in-law you know hes really just wants to visit his grandchildren. But my husband and i have a son and his first Granddaughter. Shes the only girl out of 9 grandboys. All he ever wanted was a granddaughter I dont see how he can visit with his daughter and 2 grandboys for 2 hours and not take atleast 5 mins of his time to see our children cuz he has 3 other children that have kids as well he doesnt even make an effort to see those grandchildren either. He knows were home and when were outside and he leaving he just keeps walking and waves hi and bye to us. My husband knows its messed up too. But can anyone give me advice on what we should say or do? Thanks I really appreciate the feedback. No mean answers please.

Does Pace University (NYC) have a gym?

Got accepted to Pace University NYC campus and am really considering it.. but i would like to know what they're facilities are like considering they are in a major city.. Do they have a gym, indoor basketball courts? Or at least an affiliation with an outside gym? THANK YOU

Could someone proof read my spanish story? Its only supposed to use preterite.?

Mis amigos mejores y yo (or mi amiga/o mejor y yo)..Tuve una linterna... necesit� repelente de insectos. Estuvo obteniendo oscuro. Yo empec� dormir. Tuvimos muchos miedos.

Which WR i have to start?


Wedding Ettiquette?

brides can be this way. she was TOTALLY out of line, and she was NOT part of the bridal party. the only thing she was entitled to (if any) was as a date to CP if you invited him to the rehearsal dinner. as for her sitting in the corner,,,shes a crybaby A_ _ ,,,sounds like she wanted to be the center of attention. id take her to judge judy for the wine stain.

Can I get flow in the back of my hair?

Hey, I'm just wondering. So I have pretty long, black hair. And basically before I grew the back out, I had long bangs, so I just kinda swept em to the side. Normally, they were straight. However, after a month or two of doing that, they kinda stayed in that flowy style. It looks awesome to me, however, I'm just wondering, is there any way I can get this same sweeping, "flow" style in the back of my hair? Sorta like Zac Efron's hair is the best way I can explain it. Any products or anything? Thanks! :P

How do you sell clothes in public?

I am starting a clothing company and have shirts ready to sell. I am wanting to know all the legal aspects of selling custom clothes and accessories in public. I am going to make sure my ideas aren't trademarked already, and the clothing and accessories is only shirts for men and women and hats. The clothing and accessories may be either printed at a local store, or ordered online, if that matters.


okay so im stupid and went in the the snow with my uggs boots they are real ugg boots and now on the the edge theres a big stain that looks like my uggs are stained and there not i have the cleaner but i just wanna know will that even help :(? if not what are my other options

Can you get in trouble for taking picture's of people's cars; and people;being stalked; please HELP!?

yeah, you can, i actually take pictures of peoples license plates all the time (the personalized ones because they are funny) its not illegal to take someones picture in a public place. so take pictures all you want.

Is Dirk Nowitzki the man?

In order to make the Mavericks a force in the playoffs for upcoming seasons. What do they need and is Dirk the man to lead us to the title?

Where can I do volunteer work that has no religious affiliation?

Usually local non profits, like food pantries, soup kitchens, homeless shelters, domestic abuse shelters have no religious affiliation (altho most will get some donations from churches). Many many local non profits need additional volunteers and of course the work the volunteers do is priceless. You may be interested in having a food drive or bake sale to help support the non profit too.

Is Chris Benoit going to be in the World Wrestling Entertainment Hall of Fame?

He slaughtered his whole family, if he didnt do that, and just died of roids, he wouldve been inducted even....I dare now.

I was not wrong and i was not being racist , all i said was facts , can you prove me wrong?

You didn't do anything wrong. You were perfectly within your first amendment right to act like an arrogant, uninformed, uneducated, intolerant selfish . You're no better than the Westborough Baptist Chruch

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I own a small business (2 part-time employees) and am wondering whether to go with an LLC or an S-Corp?

I am currently a sole proprietor of this business, a karate studio. Which business entity would be more cost effective?

Do people who were born and raised in Great Britain, know the whole history of the British monarchy?

Like, is it taught in your schooling? Could most Britain's give a complete run down of who was king/queen when and who came next? I just would like to know because as an American, I ume people believe we know what president was a president when and who came next but I sure don't! It's taught in our school system but not vigorously. Is it taught like this in the U.K.?

I like this guy in my cl and i don't know what to do .?

I am 14 this year , i am gay , i like this guy in my cl , he is very cute , handsome and kind of muscular . He is very playful in cl and likes to make prank on girls . He treats other all very playful and likes to often acts around . But only , he treat me with lots of respects . Whenever he hits me or anything , he often cares about me , asked me " are you okay ? sorry sorry " which he does not do to other people . Seem that i am the only one . He would also say thanks when i helped him while others he dont . But he kind of seem straight in front of everybody . We seldom talk to each other when we are together . ( I am shy >< ) . But now a days i realise he would come and sit beside me often even though we dont talk much . I kind of getting in love with him more and more each day . I wanted to tell him many times but i am afraid to let other people know i am a gay . So can anyone of you guys help me . I am thinking of him every single moment .

Albedo and auroral display question please help.?

Just a comment to the otherwise excellent Zarn's answer: We don't need satellites to observe the sun's activity. The 11 years cycle can easily be observed by counting the so-called solar spots. This has been done for a long time with simply a smoked gl. Radio amateurs follow very closely those sun spot counts on a daily basis because they determine not only the aurora borealis, or australis, but also the different layers of the ionosphere that reflects the radio waves on the medium and short wavebands. This is how I managed, years ago, to talk from Norway to New Zealand. I still don't know if my signal went over the north or the south pole, though.

What am I doing wrong? ?

Why do people I love always ignore me, or refuse to reply to my emails/texts when I make my feelings for them so clear. I am a really straightforward girl, so if I like a guy, I would find various way to let them know that I like them. But the guys I really like will always ignore my emails or my texts...It is devastatingly hurtful when that happens. Am I creeping them out? Am I causing them to lose interest by showing interest to soon? What should I do?

Please Help?

(for homework) are you supposed to put quotation marks around the title of a book or are you supposed to underline it?

How do I Restore The Firmware for my 2GB iPod Nano? Plz Help! Thanks in Advance?

I have tried restoring it using iTunes but it does'nt work it Says: The iPod Could not be restored because the Firmware file Is corrupt. PLZ HLP ME!!!

The Foreseeing God Paradox?

only take one, that gives you a 25%(50/50 chance the million is there) chance of getting $1,000,000 and 50% for $1,000...if you take both, thers a 5% (90% chance hes right leaving 10%, divide that by 2 cause of the 50/50 chance of the million even being there) chance you get $1,100,000 and 95% you get $1,000

Wow can you believe this regime and the left media?

THe dow tanks and they blame it on a "typo" from a trader. Can you imagine the media coverage if this happened on Bush's watch.

How come when a electoral screw up occurs (like bush becoming president)?

what I was appalled over was that there were known errors in the counting and in the software yet there was no effort to try and correct the error. It seemed like, yes we know some machines inaccurately counted the results but, oh well, too late now.

Fish and fish tank advice please?

goldfish are **** machines. the water is cloudy cuz theyre grosssssss. clean it more, and use nutrafin water cleaner (follow directions on bottle)....OR get a beta (fighter fish) instead, theyre cleaner, and a lot prettier anyways. ask your pet store too!

Tail lights wont turn off?

ok so i have a 1992 honda prelude and thhe talilights will not turn off even when the key is out of the ignition....i have to dissconnect the tail lights evrey time i park my car so they do ot kill my battery....any ideas on what it might be? and how to fix it?

Question about renting a house?

Can I rent a house in my name but then pay my rent with someone elses check? Someone elses check i mean like my dads but he wouldnt be like a co-signer. Could I do that without any problem? Would it be the same with a apartment?

Snowboarding outfit idea?

Okay, so I'm going snowboarding/skiing on January and March and it's my first time. I'm going to be wearing my light brown hat, and a light yellow jacket. what color ski pants should I get. Oh, and what kind of boots/shoes am I supposed to wear? Can I just wear those Ugg boots?

Fortune teller in leeds?

guess your own future. they only make it up. its historically known as a con and if you believe that someone could have the power to tell your future then your an idiot. sorry :)

Green layer of stuff on top of the water in my salt water tank?

I've had this green layer of..... well I don't really know. It's been there for a couple of months, and goes away with water changes, but returns within a few days. I've tried using different water (distilled and tap) and salt, and trying numerous water changes, but nothings happened. I've got a 20 gallon set up with a yellow tang, percula clown, mandarin dragonet, mushroom polyps, a condi-lactis anemone, and emerald crap, and numerous kinds of algea (all being green in color, so the basic). I seem to be getting the problem after putting PhytoPlex into the water. I have bought a different bottle of it and it still persists. I put in the same amount I have before. I put in about a half a teaspoon. I was putting in more previously (about 2 teaspoons) when I was directed to use only half a teaspoon a few months back. What could be my problem?

I have noticed that one or more people are asking and answering questions for racial slander?

There was a "black" that posted a question admitting that she reports abuse on anybody answering or asking a question that is white

What the hell happened with Heath Ledger?

O.K So I'm I'm a little slow to jump on the bandwagon but I just saw Dark Knight. Now I knew about Heath Ledger dying and it was sad but after I saw the film. Woah. So all these people were saying that Ledger had talked to Nicholson but I did some research and found out that that is not true. I mean the Joker Performance was amazing in every sense of the word. So can someone fill me in on the eerie performance and his death. I read that he was getting consumed by the role, but I can't sift through all crap from the truth. Some tell me what the hell happened!

Should women be allowed to serve in front-line infantry units alongside men?

As long as they can cut it both mentally and physically. Forget all the BS about fighting for flag and country you're fighting to keep yourself and your buddies alive. And if you can't cut it you don't have to worry about the enemy because the people in your unit will find away to get you replaced.

If anyone here uses Ares for their music download then can you guys help????

Try searching for a different song to see if that comes up. Or search for the artist who sings the song and you should get a list of all the songs that person sings. The song you are searching for might not be available.

Is a 650W power supply sufficient for this configuration?

Can you clarify more precisely what you mean by "hanging on I/O"? That doesn't sound like anything that could have anything to do with a power supply issue.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What is it called when they cut your perineum (taint) to make it easier to deliver a baby?

Just so you know, they rarely do episiotomies anymore. They have found that to let the 'taint' tear on it's own will lead to faster healing and less likley for infection. Think of it like a broken bone, the kind that break clean through take longer to hear, whereas those that are a little jagged heal faster. The body is better able to heal when the skin is broken as opposed to cut clean. Don't worry about the pain while tearing, that is what the epidural is for. Good Luck!!

How long do periods last for?

My menopause started when I was 32 years old but it varies in all women. A rough estimation would be when your mothers menopause started. My mothers started when she was 34. Also menopause can last quite a few years, I was 44 when mine stopped all together, but again this can be different for most women. Best thing to do if your are worried about this is to go and see your doctor.

Writing a card to my German Friend.... HELP!?

You could say "Liebe Simon" for "Dear Simon", it sounds better. "Wilkommen in England" und dann, "Liebe aus Flo".

Need some help translation from Spanish to English?

Hola amor no quiero q te sientas triste por nada posiblemente no podremos estar juntos pero quiero q sepas que tu ocupas un lugar muy importante en mi vida y que al igual u puedes contar conmigo para lo que sea esta manana no podia hablar tenia mucha chismosos a mi alrededor pero de todas manera te recuerdo mucho y te deseo lo mejor porq te lo mereces besos

Am i looking to hard at this pregnancy test?

af is due today. usually i have pms really bad and a serious headache and i havent had it yet. we are trying. i have a few other symptoms but thats not the question. when i tested for my first pregnancy the bfp showed up like instantly. that was when af was 1 day late. so i took a test today and the control line popped up and i think i seen a very very faint line in the test window. but i think im looking to hard and maybe seeing something that is not really there. im going to test again tomorrow morning. i was going to wait originally but i couldnt wait. so my questions is have you thought you seen a very faint line and it wasnt really a positive?

Is this or/does it sound like a spanish name?

If I saw Diya and had to say it I would say "die-ah" Dia means day in Spanish and is pronounced "dee-ya".

Here is my predicttions for nfl playoff teams for 2009:?

nfc: eagles ,giants ,panthers, falcons, bears and cardinlas and afc: patriots, steelers, titans, chargers, colts and ravens! agree?

Priyanka or Rahul Gandhi ? whom you vote 4 next PM?

None. Both of them are just 'over-hyped children of Gandhi family'. They 've almost no true experience of politics, as they are totally 'guarded & guided' by Sonia & other Cong leaders. The need much more experience. I want to see an worthy leader as PM, not some 'mother's puppets'.

BBC NEWS - Religion going extinct all over the world, what do you think?

Its true. Churches are closing down left and right here in the UK, some are even being made into Pubs or Shopping Malls! It is visible that religion is going down here, I am not sure about the rest of Europe as I haven't seen it.

How do I turn my 1972 Plymouth 318 in a 383 stroker? Will I have to change crankshafts?

If I decide to keep it a 318 what is a good cam with the right lift and duration and match with a 650cfm carb and high rise intake with a true dual 2 1/2 inch exaust?

Did the gold that covered the Ark of the Covenant inside and out come from the melted down golden calf?

And the gold that the people had to make the golden calf, it was all of their jewelry that they collected. Where did the slaves of the Pharoah get all that jewelry? Is there a reference in Exodus on this? Thanks!

Do suits for false domestic violence allegations succeed or fail?

It all depends on what proof you have. For the most part there isn't enough proof so these cases are lost. There are very few cases where the guy had sufficient evidence to prove the false allegations.

Longest day today in the Northern hemisphere who gets the most light?

June 21st sees the longest day in the UK but which country in the northern hemisphere will get the most amount of daylight for this day.

Should Ron Dennis do the right thing and go?

I agree that he is Mr McLaren but in most businesses he would either be called on to resign or sacked.

I Have A Runny Nose and.. (Read please)?

I've been having a runny nose for 5 days. I took medicine, Nasal Spray. I am on Christmas vacation for one more week. I need to go to school. Without a runny nose/stuffy nose. First, I had a stuffy nose. Then took Nasal Spray. Then it worked for 30 minutes. Then I got a runny nose! I do not cough or have a stomach/head ache and I have not vomit. It is probably not Swine flu. Please help to see what can help except Nasal Spray or medicine. If no other suggestions except Nasal spray or medicine. Just suggest medicine (type) or Nasal spray. Thanks

Adam Lambert lost to Kris Allen by how many votes on American Idol?

What was the final total number of how many votes did Adam Lambert lost to Kris Allen by at the end of the season finale of American Idol? Please tell me the details. Thank you.

What is so conservative about today's "conservatives"?

It is very ironic how people are using the word "conservative" today. May I remind people that the root of the word is "conserve" which means avoid change. Clical/institutional conservatives are against rapid change in governmental and societal institutions. There are many positions that "conservatives" stand for today that disagree with the clical definition, such as rewriting the tax system, privatizing social security, removing corporate regulations, starting wars that can be avoided through diplomacy, privatizing the post office (which is also in violation of the constitution), removing consumer and labor protections, removing government safety nets, giving corporations unlimited rights to destroying the environment, and so on. Such policies are more defined by clical liberalism than clical conservatism. Keep in mind that many "conservatives" today align themselves with libertarian economic policies, and it is not just a coincidence that the word "libertarian" is so similar to the word "liberal". So how can "conservatives" today claim in good faith that they are actually conservative? What do they stand for that agrees with the clical definition of conservatism?

Did anyone marry your opposite?

meaning did you marry someone who is the complete opposite of you in habits or whatnot? for ex., like spender and saver, intellect and average intelligence (or whatever lol), etc.

Question: Did you know?

Answer: Did you know Julius Ceasar was long dead (44 BCE) by the time that supposedly happend? Also, that the killing infants was just a legend made up to match the Moses legend.

Do you think tony korn heiser should resign/be fired from MNF?

Quite simply, he is a pimple on the *** of sports broadcasting. He is a steaming pile of human excrement. He wore loafers with no socks during that stupid interview thing they did on ESPN trying to pimp the MNF game. He is ESPN's failed attempt to create another Howard Cosell. He blows.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

AFL score Question??!!?

Has any AFL,WAFL,SAFL,VFL team scored up to 260 to 300 points? Like did they ever reach the score 300? or around 260?

If Obama inherited a huge deficit, how does growing it four fold help America?

As you can see the few liberals that bother to answer are basically incoherent they really can't answer your question. They have made their bed putting their faith in a unqualified person now we all have to lie in it.

PLEASE HELP...easy 2 points!!!!?

hey yea i like the last one..that one seems reli pretty ..but if ur going for a less "flowery" look..i would do the blue and brown theme =]

Could someone critique my book report?

im just an 8th grader and thats just godly. great punctuation, summary, and overview but too bad i cant see the end lol

Should this hit and run banned driver be deported?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Did Hoover help or hurt the economy?

I'm doing a paper on the Great Depression and I want to know someone else opinion besides from that of the writers of the texts on the Internet and my textbooks

How do people luck out into video game testing jobs?

honestly, i find more glitches and snags in games as a casual player of them. i always somewhat wondered how people managed to get these seemingly dream jobs of playing video games all day and making monetary gain. i was (mis)informed when i was a wee child that such jobs weren't in existence, and that only coding jobs were. further on this, i was informed that coding (in binary, mind you) was the only job available in gaming. at all. it was seemingly incorrect information. obviously, there are people out there that indeed test the games as their job. so i suppose my question is stated above, how do people get so lucky and find such a position? the almighty google seems to direct me to hoaxes, rightfully so, as it seems farfetched. but no harm in inquiring.

What is the best air purifier for dust?

I moved to NYC and hate the dust. I'm an asthmatic and allergic to dust. My room is 12 x 15. Have tried Hamilton (hepa), researched on ozone purifiers (everybody, almost, says it's bad), tried ionizers (did not work). What else is out there, AS PER OTHER"S EXPERIENCE, that won't kill me with the price tag and replacement of whatever (e.g. filters). If somebody answers for me to move, it's not an alternative as of this time. Please just help!!

Has anyone heard of a "SIRIUS 15 Rubis" pocket watch?

I have an old pocket watch which says SIRIUS as the brand and 15 rubis underneath. Behind the back cover there are engravings of a buffalo, a moon next to a crown, a box which has the number 0.813, and a number by itself 3151 underneath. I was unable to find any information on a watch like this. Any idea of when it was made? what the markings on the back mean? and/or approximately how much its worth?

Explain how to make my B.D.Poem about a bad Christmas eve better? very sad.?

Don't make it better it needs to be sad because that is more real than all the happy crap stories. I would frame that because its more to the truth in alot of cases. And sometimes life just isn't happy.

What role does ribosomal rna play during translation?

i know messenger rna takes genetic information to the ribosome and transfer rna takes amino acids to the ribosome but what does ribosomal rna do?

I have to write a computer program... no computer experience required?

i do believe so. i'm not sure what language you're using but be careful using x = x/10000000 in stead of 10000000.0. in some languages that will depreciate it to an int. but it looks like you're using java so it shouldn't be a problem.

Allergic reaction to antiobiotics?

Since I was younger, I would get an allergic reaction to antibiotics. My lips would swell and my whole mouth would fill up with canker sores. Some are small, some are big, and some have little tags of skin that hang off of them. They bleed, and sometimes the skin will come off in patches leaving it raw until those spots turn into canker sores. I get them in my whole mouth and down my throat but not on my tongue. They get the worst overnight, they swell huge, bleed, and my whole mouth gets very dry. The next morning they are very bad but through the day, the swelling of my lips goes down, then gets worse and worse every night. I can barely eat at all with them, but I try to drink a lot of water. Also, they last for about two to three weeks. I am having this right now, but I haven't had any antibiotics. I don't know what is causing them, but I have a cold and a sinus infection. Last time I got this, I had pneumonia and swine flu, but thought the antibiotics caused them. I don't know if I just get them from being sick or what, but my doctors have no idea what they are. Any information is good if you have any, thank you.

**Advanced rocket scientists only. This could be a trick question so think about it.?

Actually tangent to the surface of the earth would be horizontal. A vertical trajectory is perpendicular. I guess you just learned about the Coriolis effect. Am I correct?

With the bases loaded, would you rather pitch to Albert Pujols or Manny Ramirez?

Manny Ramirez. Albert Pujols is 7 for 9 when the bases are loaded and he has hit 5 Grand Slams this year. I'll take my chances against Manny.

When I ollie I land to the side.What can i do to land straight?

the key to landing almost any trick is, by keeping your head and feet in line,dont lean or bend over.this should help

Rejected because of a tattoo?

your obviously meeting really shallow girls if a girl rejects you because of a tattoo she's not worth your time not all women are so small minded (saying that i'm heavily tattooed myself so i'm slightly biased) so don't worry you'll meet somebody who love's you for you.

Rosie from corrie???

anybody else hate her? i cant stand the character they have made her into. a cheap selfish nasty tart who thinks she is gods gift! nothing compared to her sister sophie, who is funny, pretty, witty and level headed.

Which color printer uses cheapest toners?

I want to print brochures in a bulk volume, but afraid of getting hit by an enormous color toner costs... I am willing to spend more for the machine, but not for toners...

Ddecorating for christmas, need inspiration.?

I decorating my home for christmas and im in need of some ideas and inspiration. Ive got a lot of stuff, just... no ideas. I have a gorgeous stone fireplace with a dark wood mantle that a put a deer family with a small tree on one side and an arrangement and candles on the other. I have a wreath above the mantle. Some garland by the window that has lights. My living rooms isnt huge, but its decent. Even with some of my decorations of, i dont feel the warm christmasy cheer i want to. Any help, inspiration or ideas would be great! I dont have a tree yet, but ill be getting one soon.

How would this trade work out - Phoenix and Houston?

I really don't think it would work as well. Those aren't the only two good players in the Rockets, Steve Francis and Yao are magical together, and Steve will get his break soon. Stoudemire can't really compete with Yao as Yao is the current best Center in the NBA hands down.

Would've Adrian Peterson been the Leading Rusher Last Season If He Had an O-Line Like Chris Johnson Did?

Adrian Peterson simply wasn't behind in the score enough to win the rushing title. The Vikings won alot of games and AP just wasn't needed. Favre threw alot look at Sidney Rice's production, it just wasn't the same offence compared to the Tavaris Jackson days. Besides they were a better team without being so one dimensional.

What's your favorite Arnold Schwarzenegger & Mel Gibson movie?

I personally don't like Arnold! But my fab Mel Gibson movie is by far "The Patriot." and the other one that he is a Boston police & his daughter gets poisoned or something. He die at the end. His last name is craven in the movie. Can't think of the name.

My Girlfriend Was Just In A Car Crash......And I Have A Question?

Your girlfriend does *NOT* needs to pay anyone for the doctor. Her sister caused the crash, her sister pays. Or her insurance company will pay -- she should have medical coverage.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Why Don't Christians Ever Refer To The Real 10 Commandments?

These are the real 10 Commandments. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How is a catholic supposed to pray?

it doesn't actually matter how you pray. prayer is talking to God, telling him what you need, what you're having trouble with, and thanking him. there's no point to a structured prayer; it's just empty words if you don't actually mean it.

Do speckled Kingsnakes eat frogs and toads?

I know it sounds strange to ask but I have had my snake eat a thawed pinky ok but seems to be ignoring the little frog and toad I have had in the enclosure for about a week now. It did just shed it's skin yesterday if that helps.

Ares( god of war) Project... 10 points best answer!!?

i have a mythology project due friday and we have to make a mask of a god that we were igned. i have Ares, the god of war, but i have no clue what to do for it. Any help is appeciated. Thank you(:

Rebate Check?

I have had my State of Michigan refund taken for the past 2 years from a garnishment issued by Capitol One for a debt I owed from 2002. My question is Can they find a way to get my stimulus check ?? I do not owe Michigan any back taxes.

Does Hillary Clinton talk to crowds like a 5th grade teacher talking to her students?

like she is dumbing down a complicated subject matter so that they can understand her? As an educated person, who is very aware of the american political and economic landscape..I dont find her speeches very stimulating to my intellect.

Did Matt Willis date kelly from emmerdale?

no your thinking of that guy from blue, the italian looking one, can't remember his name oh yes antony costa

Orange FMU 11 dpo and two BFN?

with DD I got my first BFP at 14 DPO. I have been cramping for 5 days, had sore bbs for 2 days and the past two days, my FMU has been almost orange and very concentrated. I have also had two days of yellow CM. Anyone else experienced super orange urine and get a BFP? My period is still two days away, that may be why I am getting a BFN still.

Where can I read books online for free?

Like elixir by Hilary duff the twilight saga romance books action books horror books please help beat answer gets 10 points!!! Oh and it can't be downloaded must be free and can be played on iPhone but reg computer ok but please on iPhone

LA Times crossword question?

Is there a website that archives LA Times crosswords that you can look at? A site similar to xwordinfo for the NY Times.

Should I just get a new doctor or is she right?

about four years ago I experience pain in my feet so bad I literally would fall to the ground in the morning I couldn't stand up. It would take awhile for me to be able to stand then my feet would hurt. Eventually this stopped being so frequent and other than occasionaly pain when standing I was fine. ( I was a normal weight then) Now I am a little heavier but the pain is back and walking, standing and stairs are painful. My hands and feet have a constant tingling sensation and sometimes my hands and or feet will cramp to where I cant move them like a spasm. It lasts seconds but feels like minutes. I also experience shaking of my left hand so bad I cant steadily hold a pen from time to time. I told my doctor and she says it's just because I am overweight. I've lost 15 pound but is this something that happens to overweight people or should I get a new doctor.

Breaking news !*!*!*!*!*!*!* Smackdown no more on CW?


Do you think the Media - all forms of it, is trying to make White people look bad deliberately?

Get a grip. Crack dealing bum? Where at Harvard? The media portray issues in a way to get a rise out of people. Are you a sheep? Get a grip.

Zebra finch laid her eggs HELP?

hi there can any1 give me any advice on my zebra finch. she has laid her 1st egg today. how many will she lay aprox.

Is this a good rap im 14years old?

Wats good, this is Ed reppin' the 631 I'm a wannabe gangster wit a fake chrome gun Bubbles squirt from it when I pull the trigger My car has a "What Up Gangsta!!" bumper sticker Oh by the way--I deal that yay And deal that crack--Every f*ckin' day People say that I rhyme with a bad flow They just hatin fags that want me to duke their My dream is to make it big as a rap star Don't step to me homie, my team is mad hard I love hip-hop--I love the hood I'm a Long Island whitey that's misunderstood My friends all say,"Ed you a wanksta" But I'm the only true gangsta I gets it on all day and gets it on all night The rap game and rapping is my only delight I spit bars pre-written or burn you freestylin' You know where we at, reppin' Strong Island We're rich gangstas--like we hit the lotto The only time you gangsta is in Grand Theft Auto ****, I'll light you up and your ******' Playstation So stop all your grillin

I think my 17 year old brother is going to be A DAD?!?!!?

Ask your brother to hang out with you for an afternoon (go get a bite to eat, walk etc) and ure him that you are there for him if he ever needed anyone to talk too. Just make small chit chat.Try to find out about his social life and if he brings it up, then you can discuss it. If not, leave it alone. It may not be as bad as it sounds, it could be a friend he knows that is pregnant or maybe he is dating someone pregnant. Well good luck!

My father left his job and trying to stay at home as a,but i don't like it,so what can i do now?

He's your father who cares what people say it's great he wants to be there for you full time alot of kids don't have a dad and those'll probably be the ones to tease but that'll be outta jealousy so back your dad up!!

Where can i find information on organizations that would aid the survivors of a volcanic eruption?

i'm looking for websites or information of any organizations that would be used to help out survivors of a volcanic eruption. I am teaching a grade 7 and 8 cl and the teacher resources suck! would be general organizations like those who isted during hurricane Katrina?

I'm having problems with my graphics card on vSide! (more info in description) PLEASE HELP ASAP?

I would ask the geeks over at Craigslist Computer Discussion Forum. A couple of geeks know this kind of stuff inside and out...

Best away fans in the prem?

Blackpool that high up? Impossible. They only have a 17,000 seater stadium recently increased from 12,000. Liverpool are only noisy when they are complaining. I think Man Untd are at the top. Spurs should be higher. West Brom? Not that high up either.

The New Bags with the flowers on them?

Im trying to figure out what brand this bag I saw this girl have that goes to my school.. its a popular little bag the make all different sizes but it is like quilted in a way but flowers on them and its very popular... they come in brown and green blue and pink and they r allnice casual colors and the bags r casual nothinglike $300 or anything they r just suited for everyday use.. anybody have any idea what im talking about?

Is there any knowledge in the world which is so certain that no reasonable man could doubt it?

This question, which at first sight might not seem difficult, is really one of the most difficult that can be asked. When we have realized the obstacles in the way of a straightforward and confident answer, we shall be well launched on the study of philosophy--for philosophy is merely the attempt to answer such ultimate questions, not carelessly and dogmatically, as we do in ordinary life and even in the sciences, but critically, after exploring all that makes such questions puzzling, and after realizing all the vagueness and confusion that underlie our ordinary ideas.

How can I deter a friend from drinking and driving?

i can help u here but i dont have no websites for u....... what u need to do is just give him the facts about drunk driving...... tell him that you care about him and u dont want to see him go to jail...... tell him that if he continues to drive drunk you are going to go to the police and have him arrested...... if he still continues you have no other options. i say go to the police...... or beytter yet call a rehab center..

Difference between prince ozone tour and ozone pro tour?

hey what are major differences guys between these two rackets, i know the pro tour is heavier but what else?

The duplicates paradox?

Define duplicate: no ifs and buts. Its ME down to my deepest hidden letter of my DNA down to the exact copy of my brain and it's wiring down to the very last thought memory EVERYTHING. Then IT is ME no paradox no nothing there can be countless ME at any time or place. ME no ifs and buts. The legalities involved are mute in this argument.

Why don't more Asian people stand up for themselves?

I agree everyone should stand up for their rights, but knocking people out...I don't think is a good idea.

How did muslims corner the market when it comes to making sweet food on the indian sub Continent?

Irish Girl, isn't it more pleasing to actually hold a decent question/answer and talk in a civilized way ?! I thought it was beyond you, but there you go, miracles do happen ;)

What's the Spiritual/Theological Significance of Following the "Piper's Tune?"?

Apparently it's a clic fable but has profound meanings related to human life and our by things of this world. Does anyone else have any further insight into the idea of the "Piper?"

C section and not seeing baby?

hi i had my baby 3 weeks earle due to haveing swine flu and had to have a c section and evrytime i see pregnancys im jealous that they got to have a natural birth and labour that i didnt and also that they get to hold their babys straight after as i couldnt see mine for a week due to the swine flu. is this normal anybody else feel a bit cheated??

Problem with geforce graphics card?

i can't seem to get the geforce graphics card 5200 working on my comp. after i put in the graphics card in the AGP slot and plug my monitor into the AGP slot of the graphics card i try to run the comp but it keeps showing the orange colour led near the power on of the monitor. some of friends said that you have to increase the power through the BIOS . Please help i really want this graphics card. any help would be greately appreciated.

I need help trying to find on online grieving group?

april 15 me and my family got into an argument with gang members and me and my family left not even for an hour and when we came back my baby (dog) wasn't there but his collar was there like they where trying to make a point that they can do what ever they want the whole argument was because my moms chi-weenie went over them because they where sitting on the curb in front of my house and he went over to check them out and they threatened that they would go get there pit bull to attack my chi-weenie so i said that you can do that but you bring that dog on my property and you and your dog will be gone cause ill let my two pits out and after that we left and came back and chichi was gone and im grieving more than ever its gotten to the point from april 15 2010 that i have been put in two facilities because of depression and now im looking for an online grievance group so if you know of any please help i really need it

Can anyone share with me about how did u move on after being dumped for another person?

oh god it sucks. and it hurts too. i've been nothing but nice and still he cheated, lied and played with my feelings. i wish there was a prescription for heartaches.

Problem with my central heating?

My boiler (gas) is working to heat up my hot water (not brilliantly but it's working) but I can't get the heating to work, I've tried changing the pressure, the valve starts to move when I switch it on but the boiler doesn't fire up even though it does with the hot water any ideas? What pressure should the valve read? (it's 'Honeywell' for the room unit and a Baxi boiler)

Scariest movie ever?

I'm having a fright movie weekend this weekend with my girlfriends and we need some suggestions. We want truly terrifying, edge of your seat movies, nothing gory and pointless like Saw. We want to be horrified and scarred (not just scared but scarred) for weeks to come :)

Having problem with graphics on new registry?

You will probably need to contact the maker of your video card to see what drivers they have for you to use with Media Center. Media Center may require a separate set of drivers which are not compatible with their XP drivers.

Wireless printer help please?

it will need power from the wall. you can set it up to connect to your wireless connection and then access it from any other computer

Any other good hard Rock bands?

If You like Wolfmother and Black sabbath, you should check out Monster Magnet, Kyuss, Sleep, Orange Goblin, Clutch, Electric Wizard, Saint Vitus, and High on Fire.

I'm really self-conscious about myself after being bullied?

The only people that should matter in your life are the 50 close friends you have. Forget all of the other losers who are just jealous of what they are not.

Why do some women/girls like to wear fake designer stuff?

Some people like fake designer because it is too expensive to afford real designer stuff. They just want to act like they have designer stuff, even though it is fake. Like, some people can't afford $200 for a designer bag. So they probably buy fake stuff. Some people could pretend that they are carrying a real designer bag, but it could really be a fake. There is tons of fake designer stuff out there. I guess they keep buying fake designer stuff because they can't afford real stuff, and they want to act like they have designer. The best real thing to buy is brand name, because it is not so expensive and if people are willing to buy real designer stuff, I guess they just go with it.

Few XBOX 360 Questions.. Please Help me decide?

you should just buy the 120 gb from amazon, be u dont know if the one from ebay is broken or has any problems.

My daughter is 2 years old and she still has a pacifier, can anyone help me get it away from her?

My little girl is 31 months (2 1/2) now and we just figured out how to get her to lose it. well we figured that there should be a paci man that comes to get the paci's when the children are too little for it. You should tell her/him days before he actually comes though so they already know it's gonna be gone. Well one morning it was gone and the paci man got it. there was no more paci and everytime someone would ask her where her paci is, she'd gladly tell them "the paci man got it". Been fine evrey since and I love it. PACI FREE

Pls Help Me to describe a Job?

You did not provide your description so you can't get help in making it better. You are not asking for help, you are asking for someone to do your work. Only you know what duties you performed in your job.

Does anyone know if KoRn is coming out with a new album soon?

They just released their MTV:Unplugged album this week, and re-released their "Freak on a Leash (unplugged)" single with new vocals from Amy Lee of Evanescense, I know that KoRn and Evanescense are touring thus summer together. They have a new album, their 8th studio album coming out July 17 2007.

Has anyone heard of this?

yes I believe its about 25 million ( the prize) but its hard to compete when you have highly intellectual individuals such as PHD's in the field

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Does anyone find it funny how people ask for your opinions or whether you do something and...?

I hear ya... I have gotten down arrows for 100% correct answers to questions too. Like "what state are you in?" "minnesota" - thumbs down - - - what the heck?

Secret tally has 87,215 Iraqis dead or would you rather have had?

Kill tally: Approaching two million, including between 150,000 and 340,000 Iraqi and between 450,000 and 730,000 Iranian combatants killed during the Iran-Iraq War. An estimated 1,000 Kuwaiti nationals killed following the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. No conclusive figures for the number of Iraqis killed during the Gulf War, with estimates varying from as few as 1,500 to as many as 200,000. Over 100,000 Kurds killed or "disappeared". No reliable figures for the number of Iraqi dissidents and Shia Muslims killed during Saddam's reign, though estimates put the figure between 60,000 and 150,000. (M graves discovered following the US occupation of Iraq in 2003 suggest that the total combined figure for Kurds, Shias and dissidents killed could be as high as 300,000). Approximately 500,000 Iraqi children dead because of international trade sanctions introduced following the Gulf War.

What football (soccer) cleats should I buy?

I may be a little biased here, but i do not like puma cleats at all. Its pretty clear that nike and addidas dominates the field (nice pun i thought Lp) anyway if money is not an object then go with nike vapor superfly. Those are definitely the best cleats for your positions. However, they are around 300 dollars. So if money is an object go with adidas f.50i. I know you did not list those two cleats but they work perfectly with your scheme. The f.50 i tunit also has thsoe replaceable studs so you can switch from turf to gr no problem. hope this helps!

What's more surprising: Steelers 3-0 or 49ers 0-3?

Niners 0-3. Very disappointing season thus far for the Niners. There was so much hype going around w/ how they were finally a solid team, re-vamped from the ground up. But there hasn't been much going on offense and their hopes of a play-off return fades away each week. It's turning out to be another lack-luster season of 'should've, could've, would've' and even though the nfc west is a weak division as it is this year, they better find an antidote fast and start winning games starting w/ the falcons this sunday.

Hollyoaks - Why has Des become such a pyscho?!?

I don't know i'm really annoyed because i love Des! Sad he is gonna leave soon too. Maybe thats why the scriptwriters changed him so they can write him out. Silly really.

I need advice for a dear friend her granddaughter is 14 years old and she is envolved?

with a 19 year old boy. My friend is beside herself she feels this child is too young to be involved with a 19 year old. She spoke to her daughter in-law and she said there isn't anything serious. My friend is very worried because this boy isn't from a good family. What can she do??

: Has anyone heard of We Collect Timeshares LLC? I have a timeshare that I haven’t used in years and it cost

I was in the same situation last year. They got me out of my timeshare fast and they did all the work. Very professional, very honest, and very fast. They even sent me a copy of the new recorded deed as proof that is was all finished. “A” plus in my book

Persistent guys, Please help me?

your body likes him but your heart and mind are telling you that you don't like him, so that's why you are feeling shy toward him. Your forcing yourself to like him when you don't i would just break up with him and tell him that you just want to be friends because you don't think it will work out. Best of luck! Hope this help!

Private Indy Parks Location?

I am looking for a private location in an Indy Park to ask my girlfriend to marry me, any ideas of a good private location with no one around?

I have 3 cats that are all being treated for fleas they are losing fur and weight how can i help them?

For 3 months I have been treating my 3 indoor only cats with frontline plus. I also used a premises spray made by VetKem. They are still scratching alot. I know the fleas caused them to scratch and chew sores all over and they are almost bald because of it. They are all eating and drinking well but they have all lost a good bit of weight. I don't know what else I can do to help them. I am so afraid of loosing them. Please help my Snuggles, Bounce and Downey.

What am I supposed to do now?...girls guys..?

Well i'm currently seeing someone, guess you could call it girlfriend, that's what it is officially but I totally don't feel like she is. Anyway, I've been thinking about it for a while and I wanted to break up so I decided to do it tomorrow, but then I realised, that I can't break up with Angela tomorrow, cos it's bloody valentines day, and on top of that, I'm in love with another girl, with who I'll miss this valentine . But the main thing is wtf should I do tomorrow, on valentines day when I want to break up with her.. I doubt she'd prepared anything though, there's just nothin happenin with us, which is why I want to break up.

Truly Free Background Check ?

does anyone remember that company that offers truly free background checks? I remember it came on the news but I forgot the name. this was not some teaser ad but a truly free search site.

All Skateboarders Help :D?

So i started to skateboard. I feel more comfortable with my right foot in front and pushing with my left foot (goofy stance) but that way to do an ollie you turn your left foot and ollie but for me it doesnt feel right. theres no way i can ollie like that so i skate like that and have to turn around to ollie ? what should i do? should i practice regular stance ? thanks

EPA limit DEP limit?

The EPA limits for drinking water can be found at the reference. Wastewater limits are site specific. For DEP limits, we would need to know which state, since DEP can apply to several.The state limits will be at least as strict as the federal;

Where will the next USA natural catastrophe hit? Fires in CALI,floods in MidWest, 'Canes in Florida or quakes?

yellow tone national park the biggest volcano in the world i believe will become active within the next year.

Shoulder dislocation?

Yeah dude, if you don't want to get it checked out (which you should) stop skating for at least a couple weeks, not kidding. It's easier to pop out again within a few weeks after you dislocate it. Don't try to move your arm.

Roses for girlfriend :)?

aw cute. They should be fine. Can you put them in a vase or anything? Some places have caps on the end of each stem with water so they'll stay fresh. I wouldn't say you need to give her a dozen maybe a few. It'll be a cute surprise. :)

Who Would Make The Best Couples?

SweetElf and Judas Rabbi in my Opinion. They answer each other questions with sweet, cuddly answers and SweetElf is always defending him, no matter what the situation is.

Drum beats?

come on know the best spot is drummer world .com. You can get lessons from every body from Steve gadd to Dennis chambers to Vinnie caliuta to Joe morello and Thar's just stretching the surface